Sunday, February 17, 2013


Decisions can be compared with puzzles. They have various parts which at times may be uncertain to understand and analyze. Pieces are all over the place. There are moments where particular pieces may not be noticed immediately; moreover, they are intricate and unique in their shape, size, and other anatomical characteristics. Some pieces are just beneath the surface. While others require an integrative order to be part of the puzzle.

We, humans, at times see decisions right in front of our eyes. Some decisions may not be in accordance with popular standards and social adherence. It is your decision and only you can make it. At the end of the day you must render your defense to your conscious. 

Yes, at times the decisions we make are painful. But think of it this way; how much painful is it to make this decision at the present time; instead of, letting it free and resulting in uncontrollable pain which unleashes likes a hose without proper cap?

Monday, February 4, 2013


Here is where we all differ. A friendship is a relationship; one that ties two individuals in a journey of life. So far that statement is agreeable by everyone. Now, what entails a friendship? A multitude of aspects entail a friendship; however, once I was told  three characteristics which we all can relate to.

First, a friendship requires acceptance. Though, many characteristics can be associated with friendships; acceptance holds an important place. Look at this way, when you met one of your friend there were a set of traits, actions, behaviors, values, and other infinite aspects which led to the beginning of a friendship.  As the friendship grew there are aspects which may differ. These aspects are simple enough and can come go. We have gotten to a point of not seeingeye to eye at every moment of life, at every society's turn. Well it then we use our acceptance. Just because we have different views on a situation does  not mean the end of our friendship; instead, it is the opportunity of learning from each other.

Second, a friendship contains respect. We may differ on certain aspects which at times can lead to discussions but then again we have to maintain mutual respect. It takes more than discussion, respect entails a level of confidence and trust for one another. Yes, friends have differences; indeed, differences is what make us unique. Differences make a friendship which stands through adversity. A true friendship holds more than a smile. A true friendship can lead its members to growth.

Third, a friendship is developed on and by honesty.